Group decision model for managing loss of water

Group decision model for managing loss of water

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Article ID: iaor20084018
Country: Brazil
Volume: 26
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 567
End Page Number: 584
Publication Date: Sep 2006
Journal: Pesquisa Operacional
Authors: ,
Keywords: decision theory: multiple criteria

The planning of actions in supply systems, especially related to loss reduction and water wastage, usually involves groups or institutions with different objectives, responsibilities and interests. It also includes several alternatives to minimize the problem, mainly in terms of cost and performance, making the selection of the alternatives a complex task, requiring a specific methodology for treatment of conflicts. To contribute to solving the problem, this study presents a multicriteria approach based on PROMETHEE method, proposing a model for group decision-making. Through an illustrative experiment, the employment of this approach is investigated with four decision-makers, representing financial, technical, environmental and social aspects. Thus, people responsible for sanitation division will have a different slant of the decision process, in relation to the action to be developed, for better operation and maintenance efficiency, managing losses.


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