Using the method multicriteria ELECTRE TRI for classification of stocks in the construction industry

Using the method multicriteria ELECTRE TRI for classification of stocks in the construction industry

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Article ID: iaor20083865
Country: Brazil
Volume: 26
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 625
End Page Number: 648
Publication Date: Sep 2006
Journal: Pesquisa Operacional
Authors: , ,
Keywords: decision theory: multiple criteria

The civil construction sector has an important place in the country's economic and social development, producing goods of attendance related to the human necessities or to the productive capacity. The management material process has assumed great relevance due to its strategic role on reducing costs and pushing up the construction companies' technological and organizational innovation. The basic question to be considered is the way that material classification can be done using multiple criteria; hence this procedure is not being used in the construction site and may lead into problems such as lack of materials and production interruption. Thus, this work presents a case study, aiming to present a structuralized multicriteria model to the decision process in the civil construction materials management. The model aim to categorize the material in three classes.


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