Binary Vickrey auction – A robust and efficient multi-unit sealed-bid online auction protocol against buyer multi-identity bidding

Binary Vickrey auction – A robust and efficient multi-unit sealed-bid online auction protocol against buyer multi-identity bidding

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Article ID: iaor20082827
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 43
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 301
End Page Number: 312
Publication Date: Mar 2007
Journal: Decision Support Systems
Authors: , ,
Keywords: auctions

The multi-unit Vickrey–Clark–Groves (VCG) mechanism has two major weaknesses: it has high computational complexity and monotonicity problems such that if goods are not substitutes for all bidders and if a bidder can submit bids under multiple identities, then the VCG is no longer strategy-proof. To address these two weaknesses, we introduce a Binary Vickrey Auction (BVA) where goods are allocated in bundles of sequentially-decreasing power-of-two items in multiple rounds. Because of the discrete allocation operations, the BVA is computationally efficient. It is also robust against buyer multi-identity bidding by discouraging a bidder splitting his single bid for a larger bundle into several bids under multiple bidder identities for smaller bundles because the BVA favors bids for larger bundles with earlier considerations and cheaper prices.


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