Technical note – the finite production model with the reworking of defective items

Technical note – the finite production model with the reworking of defective items

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Article ID: iaor20082128
Country: India
Volume: 28
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 461
End Page Number: 468
Publication Date: May 2007
Journal: Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences
Authors: , ,
Keywords: reworking

Chiu & Chiu studied the effect of random defective rate and all of the defective items are reworked and repaired on the Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) model. Chiu studied the effect of random defective rate and not all of the defective items are reworked, a portion of them is scrap, on the EPQ model with backlogging allowed. In this note, we will offer a simple algebraic approach to replace their differential calculus skill to find the optimal solution under the expected annual cost minimized.


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