Inventory model with stock-level dependent demand rate and variable holding cost

Inventory model with stock-level dependent demand rate and variable holding cost

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Article ID: iaor20081591
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 108
Issue: 1/2
Start Page Number: 259
End Page Number: 265
Publication Date: Jan 2007
Journal: International Journal of Production Economics

Inventory models in which the demand rate depends on the inventory level are based on the common real-life observation that greater product availability tends to stimulate more sales. Previous models incorporating inventory-level dependent demand rate assume that the holding cost is constant for the entire inventory cycle. This paper considers the inventory policy for an item with a stock-level dependent demand rate and a storage-time dependent holding cost. The holding cost per unit of the item per unit time is assumed to be an increasing function of the time spent in storage. Two time-dependent holding cost step functions are considered: Retroactive holding cost increase, and incremental holding cost increase. Procedures are developed for determining the optimal order quantity and the optimal cycle time for both cost structures.


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