Improving paper spread in examination timetables using integer programming

Improving paper spread in examination timetables using integer programming

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Article ID: iaor20081283
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 179
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 702
End Page Number: 706
Publication Date: Aug 2006
Journal: Applied Mathematics and Computation
Keywords: programming: integer, programming: branch and bound

One of the desirable attributes of real-life examination timetabling solutions is the maximization of paper spread, which is a measure of the amount of study time that each student has between examinations. In this study, we face with a predefined examination schedule that must be modified in order to maximize paper spread in course of examination. We will show how the integer programming can be employed to achieve this aim. The model presents constraints for the quality of feasible examination timetables and all the requirements found in most academic institutions. The approach is tested on real-world exam timetabling problems. The computational experiments and results will be reported.


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