This paper considers the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman polytope,
, defined as the convex hull of the incidence vectors of tours in a complete digraph with n vertices, and its monotonization,
. Several classes of valid inequalities for both these polytopes have been introduced in the literature which are not known to define facets of
. The paper describes a general technique which can often be used to prove that a given inequality defines a facet of
. The method is applied to prove that the so-called
C3, comb and C2 inequalities define facets of
, thus solving open problems. As for the monotone polytope, a necessary and sufficient condition for a facet-defining inequality of
to define a facet of
as well, as introduced which applies to the
C3, comb and C2 inequalities. In addition, a simple procedure for transforming any facet-defining inequality of
into an equivalent one which also defines a facet of
, is given.