The average quality of Greedy-algorithms for the Subset-Sum-Maximization-Problem

The average quality of Greedy-algorithms for the Subset-Sum-Maximization-Problem

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Article ID: iaor19911682
Country: Germany
Volume: 35
Start Page Number: 113
End Page Number: 149
Publication Date: Feb 1991
Journal: Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (Heidelberg)
Authors: ,

This paper deals with the quality of approximative solutions for the Subset-Sum-Maximization-Problem. Maximize equ1equ2subject to equ3equ4where equ5and equ6produced by certain heuristics of a Greedy-type. Every heuristic under consideration realizes a feasible solution equ7whose objective value is less or equal the optimal value, which is of course not greater than . The gap between capacity b and realized value is used as an upper bound for the error made by the heuristic and as a criterion for quality. Under the stochastic model: equ8independent, equ9uniformly distributed on equ10uniformly distributed on equ11the gap-distributions and the expected size of the gaps is derived. The analyzed algorithms include four algorithms which can be done in linear time and four heuristics which require sorting, which means that they are done in equ12time.


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