Article ID: | iaor2007534 |
Country: | Netherlands |
Volume: | 41 |
Issue: | 4 |
Start Page Number: | 698 |
End Page Number: | 707 |
Publication Date: | May 2006 |
Journal: | Decision Support Systems |
Authors: | Shin Namchul |
Keywords: | finance & banking |
Diversification may increase economic benefits through more efficient utilization of business resources across multiple markets. However, the benefits of these scope economies are often not realized due to costs of coordinating resources in multiple markets. Information technology (IT) is widely used to achieve more efficient coordination by reducing the costs of coordinating business resources across multiple markets. Because of the need for coordination of business resources across multiple markets, diversification can increase the demand for IT. But does increased use of IT improve the performance of diversified firms? This research tackles this question by undertaking an empirical study of the impact of IT on the financial performance resulting from diversification by focusing on the strategic direction chosen by different firms. The empirical aspects of this subject have received little attention from previous information systems (IS) and economics research. This research also sheds light on the business value of IT by showing the importance of complementarity between IT and strategy in firm performance, a subject which has also received limited attention in prior IS research.