The dynamics of price, quality and productivity improvement decisions

The dynamics of price, quality and productivity improvement decisions

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Article ID: iaor200710
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 170
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 809
End Page Number: 823
Publication Date: May 2006
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research

Although quality has received significant attention during the last decades and its economic benefits are beyond any doubt, lots of questions have remained unanswered as to how much, when, and in what to invest to maintain sustainable competitive advantage. A model is introduced here to guide a firm in addressing these questions. The firm produces a single product and operates in a market where monopolistic competition is effective. Demand for the product in the industry depends on both price and performance quality. Increasing productivity knowledge decreases unit production cost, but demand for the company's product decreases over time, as competitors will be able to offer products with similar performance. Productivity and quality knowledge can be developed through induced and autonomous learning in order to strengthen company position. The paper provides an optimal control formulation of the problem and develops necessary conditions for optimality and characterizes the dynamics of optimal price, quality and investment decisions.


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