The impact of energy function structure on solving generalized assignment problem using Hopfield neural network

The impact of energy function structure on solving generalized assignment problem using Hopfield neural network

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Article ID: iaor20063632
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 168
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 645
End Page Number: 654
Publication Date: Jan 2006
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: optimization

In the last 20 years, neural networks researchers have exploited different penalty based energy functions structures for solving combinatorial optimization problems (COPs) and have established solutions that are stable and convergent. These solutions, however, have in general suffered from lack of feasibility and integrality. On the other hand, operational researchers have exploited different methods for converting a constrained optimization problem into an unconstrained optimization problem. In this paper we have investigated these methods for solving generalized assignment problems (GAPs). Our results concretely establish that the augmented Lagrangean method can produce superior results with respect to feasibility and integrality, which are currently the main concerns in solving neural based COPs.


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