Scheduling on a single machine with a single breakdown to minimize stochastically the number of tardy jobs

Scheduling on a single machine with a single breakdown to minimize stochastically the number of tardy jobs

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Article ID: iaor19911589
Country: United States
Volume: 38
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 261
End Page Number: 271
Publication Date: Apr 1991
Journal: Naval Research Logistics
Authors: , ,

Jobs with known processing times and due dates have to be processed on a machine which is subject to a single breakdown. The moment of breakdown and the repair time are independent random variables. Two cases are distinguished with reference to the processing time preempted by the breakdown (no other preemptions are allowed): (i) resumption without time losses and (ii) restart from the beginning. Under certain compatible conditions, the authors find the policies which minimize stochastically the number of tardy jobs.


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