Supplier coalitions in on-line reverse auctions: Validity requirements and profit distribution scheme

Supplier coalitions in on-line reverse auctions: Validity requirements and profit distribution scheme

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Article ID: iaor20061715
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 100
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 183
End Page Number: 194
Publication Date: Jan 2006
Journal: International Journal of Production Economics
Authors: ,
Keywords: Reverse auctions

This paper studies the formation of supplier coalitions in on-line reverse auctions. An auction mechanism with supplier coalitions is proposed, which allows suppliers to form coalitions with one another for the purpose of enhancing their profitability and providing them incentives to participate in on-line reverse auctions. Basic requirements are identified for a valid coalition mechanism, and the requirements include individual rationality, market efficiency compatibility, maintaining competition, observability and controllability, and financial balancedness. The proposed coalition mechanism is well defined and satisfies all validity requirements. The stable coalition structure under this mechanism is also studied, and it is proved that under symmetric information there exists one unique strongly stable coalition structure. The grand coalition usually does not form a strongly stable coalition structure.


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