Throughput maximization in serial production lines with worksharing

Throughput maximization in serial production lines with worksharing

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Article ID: iaor20061639
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 99
Issue: 1/2
Start Page Number: 88
End Page Number: 101
Publication Date: Jan 2006
Journal: International Journal of Production Economics
Authors: ,

In the traditional serial line model, tasks are assigned to unique workstations. We consider the case of partially cross-trained workers where some tasks may be performed at either of a pair of adjacent workstations. We investigate dynamic decision rules for guiding the operators' decision regarding when to complete the shared tasks and when to pass a unit along to the next workstation. The objective is to maximize throughput in constant work-in-process systems with low levels of work in process. A simple rule based on a buffer threshold level is shown to be nearly optimal for the two-stage line. Extensions to longer lines are provided and we show that myopic strategies that only consider adjacent workstations continue to perform well.


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