Analysis of a production/inventory system with randomly failing production unit subjected to a minimum required availability level

Analysis of a production/inventory system with randomly failing production unit subjected to a minimum required availability level

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Article ID: iaor20061557
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 99
Issue: 1/2
Start Page Number: 131
End Page Number: 143
Publication Date: Jan 2006
Journal: International Journal of Production Economics
Authors: ,
Keywords: inventory

In this paper, we consider a repairable production unit subject to random failures, which supplies input to a subsequent assembly line. The production unit is submitted to a maintenance action as soon as it reaches a certain age ‘T’ or at failure whichever occurs first. A buffer stock ‘h’ is built up in order to guarantee a continuous supply of the assembly line at a constant rate during repair and preventive maintenance actions whose respective durations are random. This production unit operating strategy is investigated taking into account a minimum required stationary availability level ‘A’. We find the optimal operating characteristics (h* and T*) which minimize the total average cost per time unit and satisfy the availability constraint.


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