Optimal planning of unbalanced networks using dynamic programming optimization

Optimal planning of unbalanced networks using dynamic programming optimization

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Article ID: iaor2006504
Country: United States
Volume: 19
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 2077
End Page Number: 2085
Publication Date: Nov 2004
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Authors: ,
Keywords: programming: dynamic

This paper presents a method based on dynamic programming optimization to design distribution and industrial networks with unbalanced customers. Low-voltage and medium-voltage network customers can be three-phase (i.e., industrial and commercial) and single-phase (e.g., residential and rural areas). Moreover, American medium-voltage distribution networks have single-phase lines (rural areas) and three-phase lines (urban and primary feeders). Optimization of an unbalanced network implies optimal assignation of single-phase customers to each phase. This work considers different conductor types, tapering, power losses in lines, capacity and voltage drop constraints and deterministic loads, all employing single-phase and three-phase lines. The necessary modifications to apply it by single-wire earth return systems is presented.


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