Sensitivity and dimensionality tests of data envelopment analysis efficiency scores

Sensitivity and dimensionality tests of data envelopment analysis efficiency scores

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Article ID: iaor20051980
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 154
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 410
End Page Number: 422
Publication Date: Apr 2004
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Authors: ,

Extending Hughes and Yaisawarng, this paper addresses issues of dimensionality for enhancing the credibility of data envelopment analysis (DEA) results in practical applications and assisting practitioners in making an appropriate selection of variables for a DEA model. The paper develops a structured approach to testing whether changing the number of model variables for a fixed sample size affects DEA results. Using a simulation method, the paper tests whether a calculated DEA efficiency score reflects the dimension of the model or the existence of inefficiency. An empirical illustration is included.


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