Absolutely expedient imitative behavior

Absolutely expedient imitative behavior

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Article ID: iaor20051496
Country: Germany
Volume: 31
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 475
End Page Number: 492
Publication Date: Jan 2002
Journal: International Journal of Game Theory

This paper analyzes a model of learning by imitation, where besides the decision maker, there is a population of individuals facing the same decision problem. We analyze a property called Absolute Expediency, which requires that the decision maker's expected payoff increases from one round to the next for every decision problem and every profile of realized actions taken by the population. We give a simple characterization of the expediency property and show that its basic feature is proportional imitation: the change in the probability attached to the played action is proportional to the difference between the received and the sampled payoff (the sampled payoff plays the role of an aspiration level).


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