Introduction to crime forecasting

Introduction to crime forecasting

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Article ID: iaor2005641
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 19
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 551
End Page Number: 555
Publication Date: Oct 2003
Journal: International Journal of Forecasting
Authors: ,
Keywords: forecasting: applications

This short paper introduces the six papers comprising the Special Section on Crime Forecasting. A longer title for the section could have been “Forecasting crime for policy and planning decisions and in support of tactical deployment of police resources.” Crime forecasting for police is relatively new. It has been made relevant by recent criminological theories, made possible by recent information technologies including geographic information systems, and made desirable because of innovative crime management practices. While focused primarily on the police component of the criminal justice system, the six papers provide a wide range of forecasting settings and models including UK and US jurisdictions, long- and short-term horizons, univariate and multivariate methods, and fixed boundary versus ad hoc spatial cluster areal units for the space and time series data. Furthermore, the papers include several innovations for forecast models, with many driven by unique features of the problem area and data.


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