The lazy cook problem, or scheduling two parallel machines to optimize vehicle utilization

The lazy cook problem, or scheduling two parallel machines to optimize vehicle utilization

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Article ID: iaor2005512
Country: United States
Volume: 15
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 333
End Page Number: 354
Publication Date: Oct 2003
Journal: International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Authors: ,

A cook has to prepare n cakes using an oven with two racks. According to the recipe, the i-th cake has to be baked for exactly ai minutes. Cakes to be cooked are taken from a table and carried to the oven, and once cooked are carried back to the table by means of a trolley that can carry two cakes at a time. What is the minimum number q* of round trips required of the cook? This problem has application to the operation scheduling of transportation systems and to material cutting. A different problem arises according to whether the cook accepts or not to stay near the oven for a while with the trolley. If the trolley cannot be idle at the oven, an optimum schedule with no oven idle-time always exists: consequently, the trolley schedule is trivial, and the problem is transformed into a set packing. For this case, we propose and test a heuristic method which generates all of the promising columns of the set packing, and solves the resulting problem by branch-and-bound. Instead, if the trolley can be idle at the oven for a limited amount of time, a problem arises to find an optimal schedule of the trolley: in this case we show how to use a scaling technique in order to obtain a very good feasible solution by the method above.


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