Finding a region with the minimum total L-1 distance from prescribed terminals

Finding a region with the minimum total L-1 distance from prescribed terminals

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Article ID: iaor200574
Country: United States
Volume: 35
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 225
End Page Number: 256
Publication Date: Mar 2003
Journal: Algorithmica
Authors: ,
Keywords: l1-norm

Given k terminals and n axis-parallel rectangular obstacles on the plane, algorithm finds a plane region R* such that, for any point p in R*, the total length of the k shortest rectilinear paths connecting p and the k terminals without passing through any obstacle is minimum. The algorithm is output-sensitive, and takes O((K + n) log(n)) time and O(K + n) space if k is a fixed constant, where K is the total number of polygonal vertices of the found region R*.


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