Economic ordering decisions with market choice flexibility

Economic ordering decisions with market choice flexibility

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Article ID: iaor200565
Country: United States
Volume: 51
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 117
End Page Number: 136
Publication Date: Feb 2004
Journal: Naval Research Logistics
Authors: , ,
Keywords: programming: integer

Standard approaches to classical inventory control problems treat satisfying a predefined demand level as a constraint. In many practical contexts, however, total demand is comprised of separate demands from different markets or customers. It is not always clear that constraining a producer to satisfy all markets is an optimal approach. Since the inventory-related cost of an item depends on total demand volume, no clear method exists for determining a market's profitability a priori, based simply on per unit revenue and cost. Moreover, capacity constraints often limit a producer's ability to meet all demands. This paper presents models to address economic ordering decisions when a producer can choose whether to satisfy multiple markets. These models result in a set of nonlinear binary integer programming problems that, in the uncapacitated case, lend themselves to efficient solution due to their special structure. The capacitated versions can be cast as nonlinear knapsack problems, for which we propose a heuristic solution approach that is asymptotically optimal in the number of markets. The models generalize the classical EOQ and EPQ problems and lead to interesting optimization problems with intuitively apealing solution properties and interesting implications for inventory and pricing management.


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