A number of network design problems can be built on the following premise: given an undirected tree network, T, with node set, V, identify a single subtree, t, containing nodes, v, so that the subtree is located optimally with respect to the remaining subset of unconnected nodes {V–v}. Distances between unconnected nodes and nodes in the subtree t can be defined on paths that are restricted to lie in the larger tree T (the restricted case), or can be defined on paths in an auxiliary complete graph G (the unrestricted case). The unrestricted case represents a class of problems that is not explicitly recognized in the literature, which is of intermediate complexity relative to the widely studied restricted case, and the general problem in which the underlying graph is general. This paper presents the Median Subtree Location Problem (MSLP), formulated as a bicriterion problem that trades off the cost of a subtree, t, against the population-weighted travel distance from the unconnected nodes on the subtree where both objectives are to be minimized. Integer programs were formulated for the travel restricted and travel unrestricted cases and were tested using linear programming and branch and bound to resolve fractions. Tradeoff curves between cost and travel burden were developed for sample networks.