A study on the seasonal adjustment of time series for seasonal new product sales

A study on the seasonal adjustment of time series for seasonal new product sales

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Article ID: iaor20042435
Country: South Korea
Volume: 20
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 103
End Page Number: 124
Publication Date: May 2003
Journal: Korean Management Science Review
Authors: ,
Keywords: seasonality

The seasonal adjustment is an essential process in analyzing the time series of economy and business. There are various methods to adjust seasonal effect such as moving average, extrapolation, smoothing and X11. One of the powerful adjustment methods is X11-ARIMA Model which is popularly used in Korea. This method was delivered from Canada. However, this model has been developed to be appropriate for Canadian and American environment. Therefore, we need to review whether the X11-ARIMA Model could be used properly in Korea. In this study, we have applied the method to the annual sales of refrigerator in A electronic company. We appreciated the adjustment by result analyzing the time series components such as seasonal component, trend-cycle component, and irregular component, with the proposed method.


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