Stability and instability of fluid models for reentrant lines

Stability and instability of fluid models for reentrant lines

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Article ID: iaor20041589
Country: United States
Volume: 21
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 115
End Page Number: 134
Publication Date: Feb 1996
Journal: Mathematics of Operations Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: networks: flow

Reentrant lines can be used to model complex manufacturing systems such as wafer fabrication facilities. As the first step to the optimal or near-optimal scheduling of such lines, we investigate their stability. In light of a recent theorem of Dai which states that a scheduling policy is stable if the corresponding fluid model is stable, we study the stability and instability of fluid models. To do this we utilize piecewise linear Lyapunov functions. We establish stability of First-Buffer-First-Served (FBFS) and Last-Buffer-First Served (LBFS) disciplines in all reentrant lines, and of all work-conserving disciplines in any three buffer reentrant lines. For the four buffer network of Lu and Kumar we characterize the stability region of the Lu and Kumar policy, and show that it is also the global stability region for this network. We also study stability and instability of Kelly-type networks. In particular, we show that not all work-conserving policies are stable for such networks; however, all work-conserving policies are stable in a ring network.


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