State-dependent coupling of quasireversible nodes

State-dependent coupling of quasireversible nodes

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Article ID: iaor2004827
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 37
Issue: 1/3
Start Page Number: 163
End Page Number: 197
Publication Date: Jan 2001
Journal: Queueing Systems
Authors: ,
Keywords: networks: path

The seminal paper of Jackson began a chain of research on queueing networks with product-form stationary distributions which continues strongly to this day. Hard on the heels of the early results on queueing networks followed a series of papers which discussed the relationship between product-form stationary distributions and the quasireversibility of network nodes. More recently, the definition of quasireversibility and the coupling mechanism between nodes have been extended so that they apply to some of the later product-form queueing networks incorporating negative customers, signals, and batch movements. In parallel with this research, it has been shown that some special queueing networks can have arrival and service parameters which depend upon the network state, rather than just the node state, and still retain a generalised product-form stationary distribution. In this paper we begin by offering an alternative proof of a product-form result of Chao and Miyazawa and then build on this proof by postulating a state-dependent coupling mechanism for a quasireversible network. Our main theorem is that the resultant network has a generalised product form stationary distribution. We conclude the paper with some examples.


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