A robust control framework for option pricing

A robust control framework for option pricing

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Article ID: iaor2004485
Country: United States
Volume: 22
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 202
End Page Number: 221
Publication Date: Feb 1997
Journal: Mathematics of Operations Research
Keywords: pricing

A new approach is taken to the problem of option pricing. In the standard framework, the option pricing problem involves determining a price such that the option writer can guarantee a certain bound on the cost almost surely. Due to this form, the problem may be reformulated in terms of deterministic differential games of the type employed in robust and H-infinity control. Different models yield different prices. The standard model yields the Black and Scholes price. Both a deterministic model and the standard model with the Ito integral replaced by the Stratonovich integral yield the price corresponding to a stop-loss hedging technique. With these methods, it can also easily be shown that for the standard model with a bounded, stochastic volatility, the Black and Scholes price corresponding to the upper bound for volatility is sufficient to hedge the option.


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