Operation sequence and tool selection in flexible manufacturing systems under dynamic tool allocation

Operation sequence and tool selection in flexible manufacturing systems under dynamic tool allocation

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Article ID: iaor20033114
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 45
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 61
End Page Number: 73
Publication Date: Jun 2003
Journal: Computers & Industrial Engineering
Authors: , ,

In order to adapt to a rapid changes of manufacturing orders, flexible manufacturing systems advance into the direction that machines become further versatile functionally and that tools are controlled by fast tool delivery device. Versatile machine can perform a variety of operations when it is supplied with the required tools. Tool management is among the essential elements in the successful operation of the FMS studied in this research. In this research, we propose an integrated model that performs operation sequence and tool selection simultaneously into the direction that minimizes tool waiting time when the tool is absent. The effectiveness of the model is demonstrated through a series of simulation experiments, and interpretations of the results are also presented.


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