Advanced production scheduling for batch plants in process industries

Advanced production scheduling for batch plants in process industries

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Article ID: iaor20032412
Country: Germany
Volume: 24
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 251
End Page Number: 279
Publication Date: Jan 2002
Journal: OR Spektrum
Authors: , ,
Keywords: planning, scheduling

An Advanced Planning System (APS) offers support at all planning levels along the supply chain while observing limited resources. We consider an APS for process industries (e.g. chemical and pharmaceutical industries) consisting of the modules network design (for long-term decisions), supply network planning (for medium-term decisions), and detailed production scheduling (for short-term decisions). For each module, we outline the decision problem, discuss the specifics of process industries, and review state-of-the-art solution approaches. For the module detailed production scheduling, a new solution approach is proposed in the case of batch production, which can solve much larger practical problems than the methods known thus far. The new approach decomposes detailed production scheduling for batch production into batching and batch scheduling. The batching problem converts the primary requirements for products into individual batches, where the workload is to be minimized. We formulate the batching problem as a nonlinear mixed-integer program and transform it into a linear mixed-binary program of moderate size, which can be solved by standard software. The batch scheduling problem allocates the batches to scarce resources such as processing units, workers, and intermediate storage facilities, where some regular objective function like the makespan is to be minimized. The batch scheduling problem is modelled as a resource-constrained project scheduling problem, which can be solved by an efficient truncated branch-and-bound algorithm developed recently. The performance of the new solution procedures for batching and batch scheduling is demonstrated by solving several instances of a case study from process industries.


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