Practical experience with bed occupancy management and planning systems: An Australian view

Practical experience with bed occupancy management and planning systems: An Australian view

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Article ID: iaor20031461
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 4
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 47
End Page Number: 56
Publication Date: Feb 2001
Journal: Health Care Management Science

Pressure is increasing on hospitals to do more with fewer resources. The appropriate management of hospital beds is crucial. The author's practical experience of applying the Harrison and Millard Flow Model and Sorensen's multi-phased bed model to aspects of the public hospital system in South Australia are detailed. These techniques can provide decision makers with improved bed management information. Modelling enables the effects of decisions to be analyzed before implementation. Further development of these tools, together with other modelling approaches, cannot be ignored as a means of improving the strategic management of hospital beds.


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