An optimal batch size for a just-in-time manufacturing system

An optimal batch size for a just-in-time manufacturing system

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Article ID: iaor20031289
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 42
Issue: 2/4
Start Page Number: 127
End Page Number: 136
Publication Date: Mar 2002
Journal: Computers & Industrial Engineering
Authors: ,
Keywords: production: JIT

This paper addresses the problem of a manufacturing system that procures raw materials from suppliers in a lot and processes them to convert to finished products. It proposes an ordering policy for raw materials to meet the requirements of a production facility. In turn, this facility must deliver finished products demanded by outside buyers at fixed interval points in time. In this paper, first we estimate production batch sizes for a JIT delivery system and then we incorporate a JIT raw material supply system. A simple algorithm is developed to compute the batch sizes for both manufacturing and raw material purchasing policies. Computational experiences of the problem are also briefly discussed.


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