Limit theory for the sample covariance and correlation matrix functions of a class of multivariate linear process

Limit theory for the sample covariance and correlation matrix functions of a class of multivariate linear process

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Article ID: iaor1991344
Country: United States
Volume: 6
Start Page Number: 483
End Page Number: 497
Publication Date: Sep 1990
Journal: Stochastic Models
Authors: ,

The limit distribution of the sample covariance and correlation matrix functions of a class of multivariate linear processes having a finite second but infinite fourth moment is derived. This distribution function of the innovation sequence of the linear process satisfies a multivariate regular variation condition. Unlike the univariate case, the limit distibution for the sample correlation matrix function is nonnormal stable. In addition, a stationary 1-dependent sequence of random variables with finite variance is constructed for which the sample correlation function has a nonnormal stable limit distribution.


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