Truncated branch-and-bound, schedule-construction, and schedule-improvement procedures for resource-constrained project scheduling

Truncated branch-and-bound, schedule-construction, and schedule-improvement procedures for resource-constrained project scheduling

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Article ID: iaor2003497
Country: Germany
Volume: 23
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 297
End Page Number: 324
Publication Date: Jan 2001
Journal: OR Spektrum
Authors: , ,
Keywords: scheduling

We present heuristic procedures for approximately solving large project scheduling problems with general temporal and resource constraints. In particular, we propose several truncated branch-and-bound techniques, priority-rule methods, and schedule-improvement procedures of types tabu search and genetic algorithm. A detailed experimental performance analysis compares the different heuristics devised and shows that large problem instances with up to 1000 activities and several resources can efficiently be solved with sufficient accuracy.


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