Optimum shapes of reservoirs

Optimum shapes of reservoirs

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Article ID: iaor20023671
Country: United States
Volume: 117
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 23
End Page Number: 33
Publication Date: Jan 2001
Journal: Applied Mathematics and Computation
Keywords: engineering, design

The aim of this paper is to find the optimal shape of reservoirs and to minimize the whole lateral surface area for a known volume V. The minimization is studied for some geometrical shapes generated by rotation. It is proved that the lateral surface area of a hollow ellipsoid with negligible or non negligible thickness is minimized when it is transformed to a sphere and a formula is proved for the calculation of lateral surface area of ellipsoid. It is then proved that the minimization of the whole lateral surface area with a constant volume results in a differential equation which cannot be resolved in general case; but only for some particular boundary values.


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