Environment system and dynamic management decision

Environment system and dynamic management decision

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Article ID: iaor20023306
Country: United States
Volume: 120
Issue: 1/3
Start Page Number: 255
End Page Number: 263
Publication Date: May 2001
Journal: Applied Mathematics and Computation
Keywords: urban affairs

Dynamic management decision means a new technology which is designed for improving the environment of the region. If resources such as plenty of sunshine, water, greenery and highly educated people in a district are used appropriately, the quality of life of the people will be greatly enhanced. In Section 1, we discuss the ecology. In Section 2, we consider an urban system that understands the timing of expansions of system capacity, a dynamic fuzzy criterion model for reservoir operations and assigning priorities to welfare policies. In Section 3, we discuss the energies and the resources. In conclusion we discuss further research.


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