Set-up coordination between two stages of a supply chain

Set-up coordination between two stages of a supply chain

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Article ID: iaor20023203
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 107
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 15
End Page Number: 32
Publication Date: Oct 2001
Journal: Annals of Operations Research
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: supply chain

In the material flow of a plant, parts are processed in batches, each having two distinct attributes, say shape and color. In one department, a set-up occurs every time the shape of the new batch is different from the previous one. In a downstream department, there is a set-up when the color of the new batch is different from the previous one. Since a unique sequence of batches must be established, the problem consists in finding such a common sequence optimizing an overall utility index. Here we consider two indices, namely the total number of set-ups and the maximum number of set-ups between the two departments. Both problems are shown to be NP-hard. An efficient heuristic approach is presented for the first index which allows to solve a set of real-life instances and performs satisfactorily on a large sample of experimental data.


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