On the critical item for subset sum problems

On the critical item for subset sum problems

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Article ID: iaor20022341
Country: Brazil
Volume: 19
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 279
End Page Number: 293
Publication Date: Dec 1999
Journal: Pesquisa Operacional
Authors: ,
Keywords: simulation

The Subset Sum Problem (SSP) is: ‘Given n positive integers w1, ..., wn, find a combination amongst them such that their sum is the closest to, but not exceeding, a positive integer c’. The most efficient algorithms which exactly solve the SSP have a pre-processing phase where the critical item and weight are necessary to be found. We introduce a new definition and algorithm for this pre-processing phase and it is also shown that the resulting approach induces, in the mean computational case, a traceable indices set with very few differences from the optimal solution.


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