Non-guillotine placement of rectangles into a strip of given width

Non-guillotine placement of rectangles into a strip of given width

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Article ID: iaor20022336
Country: Brazil
Volume: 19
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 189
End Page Number: 210
Publication Date: Dec 1999
Journal: Pesquisa Operacional
Authors: ,
Keywords: optimization

In this paper an exact method to solve the combinatorial problem of non-guillotine placement of rectangles into a strip is proposed. A mathematical model of the problem is constructed on the basis of the original theory of Φ-functions and structures of linear inequalities. The method for searching for the global extremum which can be reached at a vertex of the feasible region is a combination of combinatorial and continuous optimisation techniques. The means of transition from one connected component of the feasible region to another one is considered.


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