Binomial trees models convergence for options evaluation

Binomial trees models convergence for options evaluation

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Article ID: iaor20022146
Country: Brazil
Volume: 21
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 17
End Page Number: 30
Publication Date: Jun 2001
Journal: Pesquisa Operacional
Authors: ,
Keywords: finance & banking

Black & Scholes developed a model for pricing European call options on assets that do not pay dividends. Merton extended it to include assets that pay dividends. Many other developments have been made after that. Perhaps one of the most important studies in this area was that by Cox, Ross & Rubinstein, where the stochastic process for the price of the underlying asset proposed by Black & Scholes was approximated by a discrete time binomial process. The method proposed by Cox, Ross & Rubinstein became very popular because of its simplicity and easy implementation. But the convergence of the binomial model is weak and oscillatory. This work intends to explain the main solutions found in the literature to accelerate convergence.


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