Setup and fixture planning in automated process planning systems

Setup and fixture planning in automated process planning systems

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Article ID: iaor20021239
Country: United States
Volume: 31
Issue: 7
Start Page Number: 653
End Page Number: 665
Publication Date: Jun 1999
Journal: IIE Transactions
Authors: ,
Keywords: production

This research deals with the problems of setup and fixture planning for the machining of prismatic parts. The overall aim is to design the minimum number of setups that can be fixtured and machined using the available fixture elements and tools on the shop-floor. Setup planning takes into account machining sequence constraints, machine tools, as well as the feasibility of fixturing. A general scheme for search strategies in such planning is developed and implemented. The greater part of this work is aimed towards the development of an automatic fixture planner. A generalized representation scheme for a variety of fixture elements using geometric as well as functional properties is developed. A methodology is described to build up assemblies of fixture elements complete with the workpiece. The proposed approach has been implemented as part of an existing automated process planning system called the Quick Turnaround Cell.


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