A capacitated vehicle routing problem for just-in-time delivery

A capacitated vehicle routing problem for just-in-time delivery

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Article ID: iaor20021215
Country: United States
Volume: 31
Issue: 11
Start Page Number: 1083
End Page Number: 1092
Publication Date: Jan 1999
Journal: IIE Transactions
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: production: JIT

This paper focuses on the formulation and solution of the problem of planning vehicle routes for material delivery within the premises of a plant working under a just-in-time production system. The unique characteristic of this problem is that the quantity to be delivered at each of the demand nodes is a function of the route taken by the vehicle assigned to serve that node. The problem is modeled by adding a non-linear capacity constraint to the standard vehicle routing model, such that vehicle idle times and inventories at the customer locations are minimized. A heuristic solution procedure is outlined, and the formulation of a lower-bound relaxation is suggested. The performance of the heuristic solution procedure is evaluated in comparison to the lower-bound relaxation, and the heuristic procedure is shown to provide generally good results.


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