Noise smoothing for virtual reality equipment in quaternions

Noise smoothing for virtual reality equipment in quaternions

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Article ID: iaor2002847
Country: United States
Volume: 30
Issue: 7
Start Page Number: 581
End Page Number: 587
Publication Date: Jul 1998
Journal: IIE Transactions
Authors: , , , , , ,

Smooth motion generation is an important issue in the computer animation and virtual reality area. In general, the motion of a rigid body consists of translation and orientation. The former is described by a space curve in 3-dimensional Euclidean space, while the latter is represented by a curve in the unit quaternion space. Although there are well-known techniques for smoothing the translation curve in the Euclidean space, few results have been reported for smoothing motion as a whole. This paper improves the previous study and provides a more robust algorithm, which seeks to minimize the weighted sum of the strain-energy and the sum of the squared errors.


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