Process setup adjustment with quadratic loss

Process setup adjustment with quadratic loss

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Article ID: iaor2002629
Country: United States
Volume: 32
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 299
End Page Number: 307
Publication Date: Jan 2000
Journal: IIE Transactions
Keywords: setup time

A classic adjustment method, the harmonic adjustment rule, minimizes expected quadratic loss where adjustments are easy and cheap, and the items produced during the adjustment process should be as close to target as possible. This paper generalizes the harmonic adjustment rule by explicitly taking into account measurement and adjustment costs. The generalization is static, in that adjustments are performed at predetermined points. An optimal model and a near-optimal approximation, in which adjustments are spaced roughly according to a geometric sequence, are presented. Skipping small adjustments dynamically may offer further savings, but dynamic models require further research.


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