Analysis of investments in autonomous maintenance activities

Analysis of investments in autonomous maintenance activities

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Article ID: iaor2002587
Country: United States
Volume: 32
Issue: 9
Start Page Number: 849
End Page Number: 859
Publication Date: Sep 2000
Journal: IIE Transactions
Authors: ,
Keywords: investment

In this paper, we model the situation where operator maintenance activities improve the failure process of equipment. We analyze the business decision to reduce both the mean and variance of the production cycle time and the overall inventory level through an investment in planned autonomous maintenance. We answer: (i) when do optimal autonomous maintenance decisions most improve inventory levels?; and (ii) how do capacity restrictions, equipment characteristics, the maintenance response function, and product characteristics impact the autonomous maintenance investment decision? Extensive numerical analyses are performed to develop an approximation to the optimal response for both inventory and autonomous maintenance investments over a wide range of problem parameters. Our solutions provide guidelines on how much time should be invested in autonomous maintenance activities and describe when companies can most benefit from autonomous maintenance programs that increase equipment reliability. We determine the investment in autonomous maintenance activities as a function of available capacity, equipment reliability and demand characteristics.


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