Reinforcement learning in neurofuzzy traffic signal control

Reinforcement learning in neurofuzzy traffic signal control

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Article ID: iaor2002305
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 131
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 232
End Page Number: 241
Publication Date: Jun 2001
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Keywords: fuzzy sets, neural networks

A fuzzy traffic signal controller uses simple ‘if–then’ rules which involve linguistic concepts such as medium or long, presented as membership functions. In neurofuzzy traffic signal control, a neural network adjusts the fuzzy controller by fine-tuning the form and location of the membership functions. The learning algorithm of the neural network is reinforcement learning, which gives credit for successful system behaviour and punishes for poor behaviour; those actions that led to success tend to be chosen more often in the future. The objective of the learning is to minimize the vehicular delay caused by the signal control policy. In simulation experiments, the learning algorithm is found successful at constant traffic volumes: the new membership functions produce smaller vehicular delay than the initial membership functions.


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