On the maximum number of feasible ranking sequences in multi-criteria decision making problems

On the maximum number of feasible ranking sequences in multi-criteria decision making problems

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Article ID: iaor20014190
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 130
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 665
End Page Number: 678
Publication Date: May 2001
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Authors: ,

In many decision problems for focus is on ranking a set of m alternatives in terms of a number, say n, of decision criteria. Given are the performance values of the alternatives for each one of the criteria and the weights of importance of the criteria. This paper demonstrates that if one assumes that the criteria weights are changeable, then the number of all possible rankings may be significantly less than the upper limit of m!. As a matter of fact, this paper demonstrates that the number of possible rankings is a function of the number of alternatives and the number of criteria. These findings are important from a sensitivity analysis point of view or when a group decision making environment is considered.


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