An interactive analytic center trade-off cutting plane algorithm for multi-objective linear programming

An interactive analytic center trade-off cutting plane algorithm for multi-objective linear programming

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Article ID: iaor20013637
Country: United States
Volume: 37
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 649
End Page Number: 669
Publication Date: Nov 1999
Journal: Computers & Industrial Engineering
Authors: ,
Keywords: programming: linear

This paper proposes the use of an interior point algorithm for Multiobjective Linear Programming problems. At each iteration of the algorithm, the decision maker furnishes his precise trade-offs. From these trade-offs, a cut is formed in the objective space. This cut induces a cut in the decision space that defines a half-space of promising points. We compute the analytic center of the restricted feasible region in the decision space and then we calculate the trade-offs of the decision maker at the image of the analytic center in the objective space. Therefore, we obtain a trajectory of analytic centers that converges to the best compromise solution. Since the proposed algorithm moves through the interior of the feasible region, it avoids the combinatorial difficulties of visiting extreme points and is less sensitive to problem size. We illustrate the method through a numerical example and provide computational experience.


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