A superlinearly convergent Newton-like algorithm for variational inequality problems with inequality constraints

A superlinearly convergent Newton-like algorithm for variational inequality problems with inequality constraints

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Article ID: iaor20013575
Country: Germany
Volume: 51
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 459
End Page Number: 470
Publication Date: Jan 2000
Journal: Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (Heidelberg)
Authors: ,

In this paper, a Newton-like method for variational inequality problems is considered. One feature of the algorithm is that only the solution of linear systems of equations is required at each iteration and that the strict complementarity assumption is never invoked. Another is that under mild assumptions, the sequence produced by the Newton-like method Q-superlinearly converges to the solution of the VIP. Furthermore, a simpler version of this method is studied and it is shown that it is also superlinearly convergent.


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