Facets with fixed defect of the stable set polytope

Facets with fixed defect of the stable set polytope

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Article ID: iaor20013545
Country: Germany
Volume: 88
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 33
End Page Number: 44
Publication Date: Jan 2000
Journal: Mathematical Programming
Authors: ,
Keywords: polytopes

The stable set polytope of a graph is the convex hull of the 0–1 vectors corresponding to stable sets of vertices. To any nontrivial facet Σν∈Va(ν)xν ≤ b of this polytope we associate an integer δ, called the defect of the facet, by δ = Σν∈Va(ν) – 2b. We show that for any fixed δ there is a finite collection of graphs (called ‘basis’) such that any graph with a facet of defect δ contains a subgraph which can be obtained from one of the graphs in the basis by a simple subdivision operation.


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