Value theory without symmetry

Value theory without symmetry

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Article ID: iaor20013515
Country: Germany
Volume: 29
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 451
End Page Number: 468
Publication Date: Jan 2000
Journal: International Journal of Game Theory

We investigate quasi-values of finite games – solution concepts that satisfy the axioms of Shapley with the possible exception of symmetry. Following Owen, we define ‘random arrival’, or path, values: players are assumed to ‘enter’ the game randomly, according to independently distributed arrival times, between 0 and 1; the payoff of a player is his expected marginal contribution to the set of players that have arrived before him. The main result of the paper characterizes quasi-values, symmetric with respect to some coalition structure with infinite elements (types), as random path values, with identically distributed random arrival times for all players of the same type. General quasi-values are shown to be the random order values (as in Weber for a finite universe of players). Pseudo-values (non-symmetric generalization of semivalues) are also characterized, under different assumptions of symmetry.


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